Training of candidates for future BFC SEE verifiers

On Friday, 2 November in Belgrade, NALED organized a regional training of candidates for future verifiers within the Business Friendly Certification in South East Europe (BFC SEE) program. The training was attended by more than 40 experts in the field of local economic development from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Croatia and Serbia. The participants had the opportunity to learn more about the new Edition of the III BFC SEE standard and the automatization of certification process through BFC SEE software. The purpose of training is for the participants to prepare themselves for the upcoming verifiers’ test to be held in late November 2018.

The new edition of BFC SEE standard – Edition III includes 67 sub-criteria within the 10 revised criteria, which encompassed concrete changes and harmonization of documents used by BFC SEE network member countries in the certification process.

With the support of Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and Open Regional Fund for Modernization of Municipal Services (GIZ ORF MMS), the revision of BFC SEE standard was accompanied by the improvement of BFC SEE website ( as well as the development of a unique IT tool for monitoring the business environment in the South East Europe region – the BFC SEE software. Along with contributing to higher efficiency and transparency of the certification process, a better understanding of the program and reduction of required costs and resources in local governments in the process, the BFC SEE software enables automatization of the entire certification process, online application and electronic submission of documents, exchange of best practice examples, as well as an eased access and disposal of data among the local governments and businesses.

Training of candidates for future BFC SEE verifiers

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