Electric and electronic waste management

Donor: GIZ ORF - develoPPP program
Partners: Companies Gorenje and Coca-Cola HBC, Ministry of Environment Protection 
Implementation period: November 2018 - March 2020

The project "Towards better management of e-waste in Serbia" is realized with the support of German Development Cooperation implemented by GIZ, together with NALED and the Ministry of Environment Protection, in partnership with Gorenje and Coca-Cola HBC.
This project supports the institutions that participate in the existing system for calculation and collection of the fee for special waste flows, with the aim of improving the existing procedures and making the system more efficient and transparent. The project focuses on establishing a unified Electronic registry of producers and importers of electric and electronic devices that turn into special waste flows after use. The system of this registry is created so as to connect all the line institutions and enables easy and fast search of the submitted applications and issued decisions. 

Goals and activities 
The goal of the project is to improve the mechanisms for establishing equal liabilities of paying the fee for all importers and producers of electric and electronic devices, and establishing procedures for improving the collection of e-waste.   
The improved system of fee collection contributes to fair competition in the market of e-devices, and the introduction of new harmonized procedures contributes to better collection of e-waste on the local level. 

  • Defining the procedures for improving the collection of fee for special waste flows 
  • Development of electronic system (improving the System of financial instruments and the National registry of pollution sources - NRIZ)
  • Improving the collection of e-waste on the local level 
  • Raising awareness about the collection and recycling of e-waste on the local level 


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