Agriculture and food industry development

Having in mind the importance of agriculture and food industry for economic development at the local and national level, NALED has recognized this area as one of the strategic priorities and is institutionally working to improve the business environment in these areas, through thematic projects and the Food and Agriculture Alliance, founded in late 2017.

At the initiative of NALED and the Alliance, in 2018 an intersectorial Expert Working Group on Food and Agriculture was established, headed by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Branislav Nedimović, through which the public and private sectors work together to create long-term agricultural policy, by-laws and harmonization of sectoral regulations in order to enable work on strategic goals for developing agriculture and food industry.


Reform of seasonal workers engagement
Thanks to the reform initiated by NALED with the support of the German Development Cooperation, simplified electronic registration of seasonal workers has been made possible. In June 2018, a new law was adopted and an electronic system of worker registration was introduced through the portal and mobile applications. In this way, in less than two years, the number of registered workers increased 10 times (45,000 registered workers), and budget revenues rose by 4 million euros.

Improving the incentive system in the field of agriculture
NALED initiated the introduction and created the Technical Specification (ToR) for the development of the digital platform eAgrar, which will come into use on 1 July 2021 and enable electronic registration of 400,000 agricultural farms and simpler application for incentives.

NALED is also a member of the working group of the Ministry that monitors the implementation of the reform and development of the IT platform that enables the connection of various databases and better control of veterinary, phytosanitary and environmental standards.

Digitization of agriculture
Within the project "Digitization of municipal land management" implemented by GIZ, NALED and TeleGroup through the program, meteorological stations have been set up and linked to the AgroLIFE platform for more efficient planning of agricultural production. AgroLife application providing support to farmers has been introduced in 5 pilot municipalities, 50 stations were set up in Vojvodina, and the application is used by more than 600 farmers.

Exemption from VAT for food donations
NALED is participating in the Working Group developing the draft rulebook on donating surplus food, and together with the Coalition for Charity, in April 2020, an initiative was sent for VAT exemption on goods, primarily food, and services donated to the public sector and humanitarian organizations.

Other initiatives
Through the project of public-private dialogue, NALED provided support to professional associations in improving the conditions for the development of organic agriculture and beekeeping.


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