As much as 99% of organic waste from the hospitality industry ends up in landfill, and only 1% is used for donations, animal food, biogas and compost. In order to encourage businesses to channel surplus food to the most vulnerable, NALED proposes to exempt donations from taxation during the state of emergency, with a view to maintaining this regulation after the end of the Corona virus pandemic
- 240,000 tons of food is discarded annually in Serbia. In extraordinary circumstances, when the all businesses are operating at a loss, tax exemption would encourage many to take this step. Examples of solidarity and humanity are most needed in these moments and need to be supported. In addition to the increased production of food and chemical products, it is also necessary to enable the packaging industry to continue its operations smoothly, because without it, the first two will not function - says Jelena Kis, President of the NALED’s Environment Protection Alliance and Sustainability and Regulatory Affairs Manager for Central and Eastern Europe at Ball Packaging.
Bearing in mind the energy potential of this type of waste and the pollution generated by combustion on a daily basis, NALED's Environment Protection Alliance has initiated support to line institutions in developing the Rulebook on the Responsible Management of Biodegradable Kitchen Waste as a part of the Towards Better Food Waste Management project.
- Emergency circumstances caused by a virus coronary pandemic indicate the inseparability of environmental protection and public health preservation. Our intention is that all kitchen waste generators who prepare more than 50 meals a day are obliged to sort and deliver all the food waste generated during meal preparation and serving to an authorized collector. The project is implemented in cooperation with EsoTron and is funded by the Government of Germany through the development cooperation program with the private sector - Kis points out.
The Environment Protection Alliance was established in late 2019 as NALED’s youngest working body at the initiative of 35 members from companies, local governments and associations. The Alliance is open to all socially responsible organizations that are willing to volunteer and contribute to creating better conditions for sustainable development and environmental protection.
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