You do not have to go to the cadastre, you do not have to wait for the postman to deliver the decision on the registration of property rights or to go to the post office to get it. The delivery of decisions on property rights registration in the eMailbox on the eGovernment Portal has been initiated this week. So far, the RGA has electronically delivered 265 registration decisions to citizens and businesses.
"The electronic delivery service provided on the Portal is fast, free, and reliable. There is no need to go to the cadastre, and there will be no more problems with the delivery of documents. This way, we are saving the time and costs of obtaining the decisions for all citizens and businesses. This year, local tax administrations were the first to provide their decisions to citizens in this way, now being joined by the cadastre offices. That is why I call on everyone who does not have an account, to create it and join the army of millions of citizens who use the eGovernment Portal to get various public administration services from their own room, such as obtaining personal documents, enrolling children in kindergartens, registering newborns, paying taxes, registering vehicles etc”, says the Director of Office for IT and eGovernment Mihailo Jovanović.
„Thanks to the successful reform and digitalization implemented in the Republic Geodetic Authority with the support of the World Bank, and thanks to the cooperation of RGA and the Office for IT and eGovernment, we have completed the process of electronic registration in the cadastre. Along with the more efficient real estate registration, the process of delivering documents has also been simplified, thus significantly reducing the time needed to execise the property rights. When you are buying or inheriting immovable property, you start the procedure by visiting a public notary to make a document needed for registration, and from that point, you can monitor your case status via RGA website, and from now on, you will also be able to download your property registration certificate in your eMailbox”, says the Director of Republic Geodetic Authority Borko Drašković.
Citizens who have not yet created an account on the eGovernment Portal will receive the registration decisions in the form of a printed copy of an electronic document, by registered mail. If the postman fails to deliver the decision, they will leave a notice to the recipient that they can pick up the document at the post office within the next 15 days.
Citizens have been indicating the flaws of delivery by mail for months, as they sometimes do not receive the decisions for a very long time, they cannot find them in the post office or they cannot get them in the cadastre - even though the cadastre created the document within 7 days from the point of receiving contracts from the notaries. The problem we identified together with our members is that 90% of the decisions are returned to the cadastre because they were not successfully delivered, the citizens get the impression that the RGA does not respect the deadlines, and they consequently avoid paying the prescribed fees because they did not receive the decision. Therefore, at NALED’s initiative, the amendments to the Law on the Cadastre Registration Procedure set the basis for electronic delivery, and the Office for IT and RGA successfully implemented this reform. This solved one of the weakest points in the communication of the state with the citizens and businesses ", emphasizes Jelena Bojović, Policy Director at NALED.
As of today, the delivery of the cadastre decisions is done in two ways: by publishing the decision on RGA’s e-bulletin board immediately after its adoption, and the process of delivery to the eMailbox on the eGovernment Portal. If it is not possible to deliver documents to the eMailbox (because the party does not have an open account on the eGovernment Portal), the delivery will be attempted in person to the party's address. It is considered that the decision was duly delivered after the expiration of the period of 30 days from the moment when it was published on the e-bulletin board of the RGA.
Citizens can understand the eDelivery service as having their mailbox in the electronic world, where they will receive documents from state and local authorities, which they previously had to obtain at counters. A document received in an eMailbox has the same strength and importance as the one received via mail or counter. The sevice requires citizens to open an account on the eGovernment Portal with an ID card or passport and regularly check whether they have received the document. The first documents the citizens were able to recieve this way during 2020 were the property tax decisions, which were submitted to the e-Mailbox by the local tax administrations.
To increase the usage of the eGovernment Portal, the Office for IT and eGovernment and NALED, with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, launched a project to educate citizens and businesses on the benefits of using eGovernment, and provide training for local government officials on the topics of electronic delivery and providing assistance to citizens iwith creating accounts and using the eGovernment Portal.
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