Violeta started building expertise in local economic and rural development and standardization, u...
Jelena has been engaged in the reform of legislative process and regulatory framework for doing b...
Milos began his career at NALED in 2019, working on the project "Optimization of the Healthcare N...
Aleksa Jerković completed his undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics, majoring in Int...
Slobodan graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade, department "Finance, banking and in...
Sanja joined NALED team in November 2019 as Policy Coordinator, covering the issues of environmen...
Todo completed his basic studies at the Faculty of Agriculture on the Agroeconomics module, and l...
Isidora has five years of experience in regulatory reform by working on projects supported by int...
Jovana graduated from the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, majoring in international st...
Jovana completed her undergraduate studies and earned a bachelor’s degree in Political Scie...
Emilija Ničić is a senior student at the Faculty of Political Sciences, specializing in Social ...
Lara Marković completed her undergraduate studies in International Relations at the Faculty of P...
Ana has been engaged on management and coordination of EU and other international assistance sinc...
Stefana completed her undergraduate studies in Economics in 2005 at the Faculty of Economics, Uni...
Marko is born in Novi Pazar, completed high school in Belgrade and graduated from the Faculty of ...
Ivana has been actively dealing with the matters of the United States through additional studies ...
Tatjana has been a part of NALED team since October 2014, forst as a Project Manager, later becom...
Jelena joined NALED in 2019, as a consultant for the project Optimization plan for healthcare ins...
Ivana completed her studies in Molecular Biology and Physiology at the Faculty of Biology, Univer...
Stefanos completed Bachelor studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences in 2016, International r...
Milica graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade, department of International ...
Uroš graduated from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Science in 2016, majo...
Aleksandar completed his basic academic studies at the Faculty of Security, University of Belgrad...
Nikola graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences, majoring in social work and social polic...
Ivona Mitrović graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade with a degree in Int...
Milica Prpa completed her undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade,...
Dušan has been dealing with regulatory reforms in the field of public administration and e...
Irena has eight years of experience in regulatory reform in the field of digitization, entreprene...
Ana has many years of experience in regulatory reform in the field of digitization with a special...
Nikola graduated in law from the Faculty of Law, University of Novi Sad in 2011. He then successf...
Dušan completed his undergraduate studies in International Relations at the Faculty of Law...
Dušan is a graduate engineer with a master's degree in electrical engineering and an inter...
Aleksandar completed his undergraduate studies in Economics at the Faculty of International Econo...
Nevena completed Bachelor studies at the Faculty of Political Scienc...
Ilija completed his undergraduate and master's studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences of th...
Jovana graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences, majoring in international relations. Dur...
Petar Slavković completed his undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences and is ...
During her career Milica has gained unparalleled experience working for more than 15 years with t...
Višnja received her Bachelor degree from the Faculty of Philology at the University of Bel...
Maja is marketing professional who has been working 20+ years in Marketing and Communications wit...
Jovana has been working in NALED since 2012 as Marketing and Communications Assistant, becoming M...
Stefani has been working more than 15 years within civil sector and domestic companies. Initiated...
Andrea is a Communications Coordinator, responsible for strategic communication on projects in th...
Sanja graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences, majoring in journalism and communication,...
Aleksandra joined NALED in 2019, initially as an intern and later as a Public Relations Officer. ...
Anja completed her basic studies at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences of the University of B...
Ramona Đorđević completed her undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Culture and Media, earni...
Bojana graduated in Psychology from the Faculty of Philosophy, University in Belgrade. During her...
Adis graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Belgrade and passed Bar Examination a...
Marija graduated from the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, department of International Law. During her...
Ana graduated from the School of Law and Business and thus obtained the title of professional man...
Ana completed her undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, where she ...
Tanja is a final-year student at the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, majoring in Tr...
Anđela earned her degree in Management from the Faculty of Law and Business at the "MB" Universi...
Branko graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Belgrade University in 2003. He has been di...
Biljana graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Niš with a degree in Business Economics...
Milica completed both her undergraduate and master’s studies in Finance, Banking, and Insur...
Vladimir gained his first work experience in 2002 at the Supreme Court of Serbia in archive and a...
Vladimir gained his first work experience in 2006 in the company “Protector Security System...
Bojana completed graduate studies in 2017 at the Faculty of Economics, University in Belgrade, de...
Jelena gained her extensive work experience since 2002 on USAID's Sustainable Local Government Re...
Ljubomir graduated in economics from the Singidunum Faculty and thus gained the title of qualifie...
Milica completed her basic studies at the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade, majoring in statistic...
Aleksandar Matić completed his undergraduate studies in Finance and Banking at the Belgrade Bank...
Dušan is a mechanical repair technician by profession, he started working immediately afte...
Aleksa is a fourth-year student of Software and Information Engineering at the Technical Faculty ...
Aleksandra Botić graduated in Tourism and Hospitality from Singidunum University and is currentl...
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