Webinar: How to improve the development of organic agriculture on the local level

In cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, on Wednesday, 18 November from 11h NALED will organize a webinar „How to improve the development of organic agriculture on the local level?” for the representatives of local governments and organic producers. The webinar will be organized via Zoom platform on the following link, ID: 830 8651 4355)

With the aim of encouraging organic production as one of the most promising activities for further growth, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and NALED support the improvement of organic production programs applied by cities and municipalities in Serbia that involve registered organic producers, in order to allocate higher amounts of subsidies for organic production. 

Within the webinar, Jelena Milić from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management will present the novelties and plans in this field, while a representative from the City of Novi Sad will present the practice and program used by the City of Novi Sad for organic producers, as an excellent example of assistance to organic producers, since it encourages producers in its territory to engage in organic farming by allocating subisides from the city budget covering 100% of the costs of certification, purchase of seeds, fertilizer, and partial expenses for purchasing the necessary equipment.

Organic production contributes to sustainable use and preservation of natural resources and it stands as Serbia's great development chance, due to its preserved agrosystem, favorable climate and high-quality land, all being an advantage compared to developed European countries. Another benefit of organic production is certainly the development of rural areas with high unemployment rate. However, organic food production accounts for only 0.3% of overall agricultural production. 

The webinar is organized within the initiative for improving organic agriculture launched by the association „Agro cluster of Serbia“ from Novi Sad within the Public Private Dialogue for Growth project implemented by NALED in cooperation with the National Public Policy Secreatriat and financed by USAID.

The event agenda can be downloaded at the following link.

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