Field: Environment protection
Donor: GIZ ORF - develoPPP program
Partners: Sekopak (Serbia), Ekopak (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Pakomak (North Macedonia)
Implementation period: February 2020 - October 2022
NALED initiated the project “Glass packaging management in the Western Balkans” which is implemented within the scope of the develoPPP program funded by the German federal ministry of economic cooperation and development via the International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) with the purpose to improve the rate of collection and recycling of glass packaging, develop regulatory solutions and raise awareness on the importance of recycling.
The project also involves the development of regulatory framework analysis in each of the countries, as well as a business model for the development of glass recycling infrastructure, and the model piloting in selected municipalities where glass collection containers will be purchased. The project also encompasses a dissemination model for municipalities not included in the pilot, accompanied by a raising awareness campaign.
The amount of glass the system operators reclaim from public utility companies is quite small, which leads to irregular cycles of glass collection, with increased transport costs. The transport price is one of the major factors for decreasing the value of glass as a recycling resource, as it is more expensive to transport due to its weight in comparison to other packaging waste.
Primary separation does not function properly in most of the municipalities as they lack the funds, capacities or the required knowledge to install the required infrastructure for glass recycling and to efficiently manage collection and separation.
Goals and activities
One of the project goals is a 20% increase of the collection rate and recycling of glass in the selected municipalities in all three countries.
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