
Donor: European Union, Interreg IPA Adrion Program
Partners: Region of Western Greece (Lead Partner), Peloponnese University, Greece; Science and Technology Park Tehnopolis, Italy; Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Primorska, Slovenia; Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro; Union of Chambers of Commerce of North Macedonia.
Beneficiaries: Policymakers, educational institutions, business associations, employees in the blue economy sectors
Implementation Period: September 2024 - August 2027

The GROWTH4BLUE Regional Project aims to promote the growth of the "blue" economy in the Adriatic-Ionian region, based on innovation. The project seeks to bridge the gap between current market demands and the availability of qualified professionals in key sectors of the "blue" economy (fisheries and aquaculture, port industry, shipbuilding, river tourism, renewable energy), as well as to stimulate regional economies through strategic innovations and technological excellence.

Key project deliverables include:

  • A comprehensive analysis of the "blue" economy ecosystem, identifying key sectors and innovation potential;
  • A labor market analysis, including the skills and competencies demanded on the labor market, along with recommendations for improving the education system;
  • An online tool for job advertisement analysis;
  • A strategic action plan focused on regional and transnational needs for promoting innovation and sustainable employment.

These activities are designed to benefit a wide range of stakeholders by providing data-driven analyses and strategic initiatives for workforce development. Expected results include:

  • Increased economic competitiveness through innovation and technology adoption in "blue" economy sectors.
  • Promotion of sustainable employment opportunities by enhancing the skills and competencies of employees.
  • Strengthening ecological sustainability by fostering ecosystems that support the sustainable use of marine/water resources.

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