Donor: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development – EBRD
Partners: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and Agrarian Payments Directorate
Implementation period: October 2021 – April 2023
The project focuses on the implementation of information system eAgrar, being developed with the aim of modernizing and accelerating the process of registering and changing data in the Registry of Agricultural Holdings, as well as approving and paying the agriculture-related incentives. The information system will allow farmers to perform online registration of agricultural holdings, change or delete data, and enable online filing and processing of applications for incentives. The use of eAgrar will reduce the burden on farmers, as well as the administration (persons processing the applications). In the process of Serbia’s EU accession, eAgrar will be a part of the system for approving incentives from the EU agriculture-related funds.
Goals and activities
The project aims to ensure efficient development, implementation and functioning of eAgrar through the following activities:
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