NALED assembly: Discussion

We are inviting all members and partners to take part in the discussion, and submit their comments and questions via contact form below, not later than Thursday, July 30 by noon. All relevant comments and questions regarding NALED Assembly will be published on this page after being reviewed by the administrator. Answers will be provided by NALED within couple of hours to one day.

All fileds marked with * are mandatory.

Komentari i pitanja

Redni broj: 1 Sektor: Privatni Tačka dnevnog reda: 8. Razno 27.07.2020

Čestitam na fantastično organizovanoj digitalnoj skupštini!

Odgovor NALED

Hvala vam na podršci!

Redni broj: 2 Sektor: Javni Tačka dnevnog reda: 4. Predlog izmena i dopuna Poslovnika Skupštine 29.07.2020

Podržavamo mogućnost elektronskog održavanja sednica u skladu sa trenutnom situacijom.

Odgovor NALED

Hvala na podršci predloga.