Organic Food Month in December

Within the Public Private Dialogue Project financed by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), during Deember, the Agrocluster of Serbia in cooperation with NALED will organize the "Organic Food Month" – a public campaign to hear the voices of all organic food producers in Serbia, their associations, retailers, representatives of certification companies, relevant state and local institutions, the expert public and the consumers, all being able to engage in the public-private dialogue and offer solutions for encouraging organic production in Serbia

The recommendations will be collected through the website an within regional round tables (upon registering at

  • Selenča, 5 December 2018 from 11h (Center for Organic Production, Maršala Tita 102)
  • Užice, 12 December 2018
  • Valjevo, 17 December 2018

The campaign aims to reach joint solutions for the problems and uncertainties faced by domestic producers, and for favorable regulations and practices which would strengthen their competitiveness in the field of production, registration of protective agents, product placement and improved trust among consumers due to better inspection oversight, in order to ease the path of organic food in reaching the domestic and foreign consumers.

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