ChatBot application for improving municipal services

Field: Good governance
German Development Cooperation – GIZ and develoPPP program 
Partners: SAGA d.o.o Beograd, SAGA NFG d.o.o Banja Luka, Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Srpska (PKRS)
Implementation period: November 2019 – July 2022

In cooperation with GIZ and partners, SAGA is working to develop and implement the ChatBot application, a functional digital platform for improving municipal services, through a regional project involving four local governments from Serbia and BiH. The ChatBot application has a universal potential and creates room for peer-to-peer learning and expanding the results on a much broader level. The project will demonstrate the benefits of digitalization for all involved public and private stakeholders in the entire region and promote overall digital culture. 

Goals and activities
Modernization and simplification of municipal services through ChatBot application improves the transparency and availability of services to citizens and eases communication for more efficient work.

The project activities involve several phases:

  • Estimation and selection of local governments
  • Evaluation of local services and IT systems in selected local governments
  • Creating and testing scenarios for the ChatBot app
  • Testing the system and training city/municipal officers
  • Supporting cities/municipalities in promoting their ChatBots
  • Dissemination of results and business models for ChatBot services
  • Promotion of ChatBot application as efficient and easily accessible communication channel between clients and organizations
  • Improving the transparency, availability and efficiency of services 
  • Improving interaction with clients and surveying their satisfaction with the provided services
  • Dgitalization of selected services available to citizens 24/7
  • Regional transfer of knowledge and information through BFC SEE network and building the network capacities for development partnerships

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