Strengthening the capacities of civil society organizations to actively participate in the EU accession negotiations
Donor: Delegation of European Union to the Republic of Serbia within the Support Program for Civil Society and Media
Partners: European Policy Center – CEP, Centre for Contemporary Politics (CSP) and the European Western Balkans (EWB) portal
Implementation period: December 2018 – December 2020
In December 2018, NALED initiated the implementation of a two-year project Strengthening the capacities of civil society organizations to actively participate in the EU accession negotiations through selected working groups of the National Convention on the EU (Prepare to Participate | P2P) together with the European Policy Center (CEP) as the project leader, the Centre for Contemporary Politics (CSP) and the portal European Western Balkans (EWB) as project partners.
Kada je reč o pregovorima i pristupanju Evropskoj uniji, fokus javnosti je više na političkim poglavljima i ekonomska često ostaju u drugom planu, iako su izuzetno važna radi uspostavljanje zone slobodne trgovine između Srbije i EU. Promocija ekonomskih poglavlja u pristipanju EU doprinosi boljoj informisanosti organizacija civilnog društva i medija o važnosti ovih poglavlja.
Goal and activities
The project goal is to enable various segments of civil society to actively engage in the EU accession process, in order to make this process fully open for the citizens. Along with increased engagement of civil society organizations (CSOs) in the EU negotiation process, the project also stipulates the development of independent monitoring report regarding the Economic Reforms Program (ERP) for the period 2020-2022, creating added value beside the official reports of the Serbian Government and the European Commission.
The goal of project activities is the efficient involvement of civil society in EU accession negotiations in selected economic chapters through involvement in working groups of the National Convention on the EU (NKEU). With the improvement of knowledge and skills in this area, the civil society in Serbia will be able to continuously protect and advocate the interests of citizens before decision-makers.
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