A Working Group for Data of the Alliance for eGovernment of NALED has been formed, gathering members from both the public and private sectors with a special interest in this field. Saša Bilanović from Algotech has been appointed as the head of the Working Group.
At the event, presentations were delivered by Andrej Gluščević from the Office for IT and eGovernment, as well as Sanja Arizanović and Slobodan Marković from UNDP. They provided detailed insights into the Open Data Portal, highlighting its role in the digitalization process, along with the challenges that the country faces in the field of open data.
Attendees also had the opportunity to share their suggestions for improving the Open Data Portal, emphasizing the importance of data reuse through opening them up, as well as the need for amending existing regulations related to open data.
Furthermore, there was an emphasis on the need for greater citizen education and promotion of the portal, particularly in motivating institutions to open up data to provide them with new value and encourage the creation of smart solutions. The reactivation of the Working Group for Data of the Government of the Republic of Serbia was announced, which will play a crucial role in addressing the mentioned issues.
- This topic is of great importance to the Alliance for eGovernment and is one of our strategic priorities for this year. Therefore, in the coming period, we will provide support to the relevant Ministry in this area, particularly through participation in the Working Group for Data," emphasized Irena Đorđević Šušić, Head of the Unit for Digitalization, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship at NALED.
The meeting of the Working Group for Data was held as part of the project "Public Procurement and Good Governance for Increased Competitiveness," supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.