The first draw in the prize game Get the Receipt to Win scheduled for 14 October

The second round of the prize game "Get an account and win 2023" starts on October 14 and during five draws, until November 11, citizens will be awarded 10 apartments, it was announced today at a conference in the Palace of Serbia.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Sinisa Mali said at the press conference that the prize game showed very good results, because a large number of citizens decided to participate in it, and that more than one million citizens registered for the application and sent more than 217 million receipts. All accounts, both those from the first round and those sent after, participate in the prize draw, with around 800,000 receipts being sent on average every day.

- The second round starts on October 14, when we have the first draw, and we will have four additional afterwards. The last draw will be on Saturday, November 11, when we will draw the winners of the last two apartments in Belgrade - specified Mali.

According to him, this shows how important it is to fight against the gray economy together, and to advocate for better and more organized public finances through the system of e-invoices and e-fiscalization.

The prize game "Get the Receipt to Win" is also important for the fiscal system of Serbia, since the more organized the finances are, the bigger the budget is, and the more money remains for increasing salaries and pensions, for one-time benefits and for the construction of highways, hospitals, schools.

- It is a very important fact that the total turnover from all the receipts that have been sent so far is about 226 billion dinars, and that the average amount per receipt is 1,046 dinars - he emphasized and added that the total tax on the receipts that have been collected through the game so far amounts to 32 billion dinars.

Assistant Director of the Information and Communication Technologies Sector of the Tax Administration of Serbia, Saša Dulić, pointed out that the organizers showed that a prize game can be organized via a mobile application and dispelled prejudices that older citizens cannot participate in it.

- This is the first mobile application in Serbia that, just ten days after its launch, had a million downloads on all three platforms, which is more than all other applications - Dulic pointed out.

He explained that in the previous period the application was significantly improved and now the scanning of invoices is much more efficient and faster.

- In the first round, we had half of those who entered the receipts manually, and half by scanning the code. Now that percentage has increased to 80% of those who scan - specified Dulic, stating that this indicates that there will be more receipts in the second round than in the first.

NALED Managing Board member Svetoslav Atanasov pointed out that this prize game is an important mechanism for raising awareness and educating citizens about why it is important to pay taxes and work to suppress the shadow economy.

- More than a quarter of citizens are asking for a fiscal receipt because of the prize game, and the number of those who believe that the gray economy is not justified is constantly growing and this year it reaches a percentage of 76% - underlined Atanasov and welcomed the adoption of the Program for Countering Shadow Economy, which gives a clear direction to the institutions for further systemic reforms and priorities.

According to him, an important part of the whole story is transparent and cashless payments, where huge advances have been made with the introduction of the e-fiscalization system and e-invoices.

- We should work on the further expansion of cashless payments, especially in the sector of micro and small enterprises. To that end, in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, and within the framework of the "Better Way" Initiative, we launched a subsidy program for the free introduction of POS terminals in 25,000 small shops and counters across Serbia - he emphasized.

Citizens can find all the latest information about the prize game on the website, which also includes NALED's contact center for all questions and concerns.

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