Analysis and recommendations for improvement: Cadaster registration

The round table on the occasion of presenting the legal analysis and recommendations for improving the property registration procedure and the results of implementation of the Law on Registration Procedure in the Real Estate and Utility Lines Cadaster was organized on Friday, 12 April at the Palace of Serbia.

The results achieved so far were presented by Jelena Bojović, NALED Policy Director and Matthew Jordan, Second Secretary of the British Embassy and the Head of UK Government's Good Governance Fund in Serbia. After the opening addresses, the expert team which took part in developing the analysis presented the recommendations, followed by addresses by representatives of line institutions.

The analysis and recommendations for improvement were developed within the project for supporting the Real Estate Cadaster reform supported by the UK Government's Good Governance Fund and implemented by PwC and NALED together with line institutions. 

The new Law on Registration Procedure in the Real Estate and Utility Lines Cadaster introduced the one-stop shop for registering property via public notaries - the eCounter. Starting from 1 July 2018, the citizens and businesses no longer need to engage in direct contact with the Republic Geodetic Authority, i.e. the Cadaster service, Tax Administration and local tax administration, but perform all tasks, from the point of obtaining a real estate ownership certificate, through verification of purchase agreement, to registration of ownership rights and filing of tax returns, at a single spot with the public notaries, who further perform all of these tasks with other institutions electronically. 

The aim of Cadaster reform is easier, faster and more secure procedure for registering property and establishing precise and complete records of real estate in Serbia. Additionally, one of the key novelties and benefits for citizens is that the real estate acquired in marriage is automatically registered as joint property, unless the spouses choose differently. Hence, the Cadaster reform directly contributed to Serbia becoming one of the first countries that took the steps towards fulfilling the UNDP's indicators of sustainable development with regards to gender equality and joint property of spouses.

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