Once the POS program is initiated, small traders and other entrepreneurs wishing to enable their customers to make purchases with cards or mobile phones, will be able to apply for installation and use of POS terminal with subsidized merchant service charge, for a period of up to a year.
The National Cashless Payments Initiative has launched its website boljinacin.rs, hosting the pre-application for the POS program, which will equip the first 4,000 points of sale throughout Serbia this year, including online shops. Along with entrepreneurs, micro and small enterprises, the POS program can also be used by public institutions, and the main prerequisite is that they did not accept card payments over the previous year.
- Introducing cashless payments is the best way for small businesses to modernize and grow their work, enter new markets thanks to online sales, keep the existing and attract new customers, who growingly use card or mobile phone payments. Over a three-year period, the National Initiative plans to equip 25,000 points of sale, and bearing in mind that we have nearly 115,000 POS terminals in Serbia, we will significantly upgrade the acceptance infrastructure – says Ivan Radak, Head of PR Unit in NALED.
In addition to the name of the store, city, field of work and e-mail address, businesses should state in the pre-application whether they are subject to fiscalization. Everyone who is currently in the process of getting a new fiscal cash register is recommended to express their interest and enter the waiting list for the POS program – this way they will be able to receive an additional subsidy for cashless payments, together with the state subsidy for fiscalization, which will make it easier for them to get a cash register and POS terminal.
Slogan Nacionalne inicijative za bezgotovinsko plaćanje je Bolji način, koji ukazuje na prednosti bezgotovinskih plaćanja naspram keša kada je reč o efikasnosti, pouzdanosti i praktičnosti, a na istoimenom portalu građani i privrednici će moći da nađu informacije o POS programu i Nacionalnoj inicijativi, kao i veoma korisne podatke o značaju razvoja bezgotovinskog društva, podacima o korišćenju bezgotovinskih plaćanja u zemlji i svetu.
The slogan of the National Initiative for Cashless Payments is Better Way, which indicates the advantages of cashless payments over cash when it comes to efficiency, reliability and convenience. On the web portal www.boljinacin.rs, citizens and businesses will be able to find information about POS program and the National Initiative, as well as useful data on the importance of developing cashless society, data on the use of non-cash payments in the country and the world.
Cashless society will also be a topic on the 29th Kopaonik Business Forum, which focuses on efficient manners for implementing the sustainable development agenda. The panel discussion “Better Way for Growing Your Business” on 7 March at the Central Hall, the participants will talk about why the development of all types of cashless payments in the private and public sector is the best way for countering shadow economy and accelerating economic growth of Serbia.
The panel will be hosted by Milica Stefanović, Communications and Development Director at NALED, and present the views of Marta Arsovska Tomovska, Director of Team for Public Administration Reform and eGovernment in the Cabinet of the Prime Minister of Serbia, Daniela Funke, Country Director of GIZ Serbia and Jelena Ristic, Director of Mastercard for the markets of Serbia, BiH and Montenegro.
The National Cashless Payment Initiative is a joint project of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and Mastercard and Visa, implemented under the auspices of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in cooperation with NALED and the Ministry of Finance of Serbia.
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